A quick and easy Caprese Salad that bursts with the flavors of fresh tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, and aromatic basil.

Quick and Easy Caprese Salad


Caprese Salad is a classic Italian dish known for its simplicity and vibrant flavors. This Quick and Easy Caprese Salad recipe takes the traditional ingredients and turns them into a hassle-free delight.

Quick and Easy Caprese Salad


  • 4 large tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 pound fresh mozzarella, sliced
  • 1 bunch fresh basil leaves
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Arrange tomato and mozzarella slices on a serving platter.
  2. Tuck fresh basil leaves between tomato and mozzarella slices.
  3. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 0 minutes | Total Time: 15 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


Q: Can I use cherry tomatoes for this recipe?

A: Yes, cherry tomatoes work well and add a sweet burst to the salad.

Q: How long can I store leftovers?

A: It’s best enjoyed fresh, but you can refrigerate leftovers for up to one day.

Q: Can I add balsamic glaze?

A: Absolutely! A drizzle of balsamic glaze enhances the flavors.

Q: What’s the best type of mozzarella to use?

A: Fresh mozzarella in water is ideal for its creamy texture.

Q: Can I make this ahead for a party?

A: Prepare the ingredients and assemble just before serving for the freshest taste.


In conclusion, this Quick and Easy Caprese Salad is a delightful dish that brings the essence of Italy to your table with minimal effort. Enjoy the freshness and simplicity of this classic salad!

#CapreseSalad #EasyRecipes #QuickSalad #ItalianCuisine #FreshFlavors

Deliciously Simple Caprese: A Quick and Easy Recipe

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